Sorry for the totally lame-o title. But...that was basically what happened today! Lol. Last Thursday, Gia told me that she was going to TriNoma/The Block and of course, since these were malls so close by to my house (I practically live thereabouts!) I immediately told her that I wanted to go with her. And so we decided we would meet up at Elianto Trinoma on Saturday...but then, she told me she couldn't go!! Lol, I was so disappointed, I even stopped making what I was making (I was sewing her something so I could give her a pressie :[). My high school friend, Kat, said she was free on Saturday so I made plans with her, but then she cancelled last for a while I had no plans for today. Pff...then Gia told me she could go again! :D Sad though, I still hadn't bothered to finish what I was sewing (Sorry Gia~ next time!).

Anyway, I left the house wearing makeup...and got home barely wearing any. Lol! Wow, it's just really difficult to wear makeup during summer. I sweat everything off! Not to mention, I'm just so oily. :( It's odd, when I wear make up I am oilier than when I don't. Any of you have any idea why? Do you think it's because of the products I use? I used The Face Shop makeup primer in green (the cheap-o one), Ellana minerals intense cover foundation in hazelnut latte and finishing powder in espresso con panna. Both are supposed to help with oiliness...doesn't really work for me.
Here was my sad FOTD (oh, I got to play with my 28 palette for this one), taken when I got home. My skin was shiny and there were no traces of blush leftover whatsoever! Haha.
Do you like my neutral look? I think I'm gonna love my 28 palette for my school days. ;] Well, when I feel like wearing makeup anyway. Also, if you notice, only my lids didn't get oily. I love Art Deco eyeshadow base--kept everything on my eyelids. :D:D
I had so much fun with Gia today, it was really a great day. We just bonded over makeup and cosmetics in general. We met up at Elianto Trinoma (and I was late! :( I haaaate being late), then went straight to G-lish since some of their items were half-off. I had been looking around on the G-lish website before and I had decided I wanted to try some of their e/s and a blush maybe. I ended up buying two Gelato Eyes Cream for 60php each (that's just a little over $1). I was actually kind of surprised that it was sort of a creamy consistency--I mean, I tried using a brush with it earlier and it hardly picked up much...looks like it's more for finger application.
They look like this:

Do you not love the holo effect? And the name is so cute!
And you can stack them up like this! It think this is a nice feature.
I have swatches!
They're sooo shimmery. Well, I can't really describe it..they're just SHINY.
I'm going to do a review on those later on. :)
Moving on, I also bought a blush from G-lish, from the Patrick Rosas line. It was half-off, so from originally 350php I got it for 175php (roughly a little less than $4).
I'll also be doing a review on this one
I also bought an Elianto gel eyeliner brush. I tried it out and it is just amazing! Just the right control, right stiffness of the bristles... When I first tried using gel eyeliner I couldn't manage because the brush I had was too soft. Now I can apply it just like that (*snap* hehe). I took a quickie picture, so here it is:
I love the shadow play in this picture, which is why I didn't crop it.
My next purchase is a Kabuki brush from Nu Yu minerals. It's supposed to have been made from rabbit hair (poor rabbits!!). I couldn't resist getting it, it was on sale for 280php (a little less than $6) and it was so soooft I had to get it! I washed it today, too--no shedding whatsoever. I'm so glad I found this brush, it'll be a perfect (hopefully) replacement for my Elianto powder brush. By the way, Nu Yu minerals is in SM North Edsa, just by The Surplus Shop close to the department store entrance. I only really liked their brushes (just the buki, baby buki, and full size buffer brush just like Ellana's) and maybe their jumbo lip pencils. Their MMU was kinda...meh.
This is the brush (I put extra big pictures cause I loooove how floofy it is):
Those hairs were just long, I cut them down to size
And for the last part of my haul, I went to the PAC counter at SM North Edsa (the SA knows me already! Lol. She's practically all :D whenever I'm there, cause I can never leave without getting anything :[). I got me some white eyeliner because I've been wanting some for a while (review later), and my first ever lipstick. Well, my first ever lipstick that I've bought for myself. Both items were 399php each (lipstick was on sale, originally 499), around $8.
Let me just say, I love PAC's packaging! Except for the lipstick case, it's matte and is easily scratchable. :( But I love that the stuff comes in boxes.
I love this lipstick! It's so creamy, it just glides~. It's so easy to apply, and it just stays on. And the shade is perrrfect, like my lips but better perfect. I'm definitely gonna wear this every time I go out. Worth the moolah! I think I'm gonna get my mom one of these in a pinkish shade for mother's day.
Quick swatch--sorry forgot to take no-flash swatch
That's basically it for my haul! Gia also gave me something today, which made me feel even worse about not having anything to give her. T_T
Pure glycerin (YAY!! Been looking around for thisss), Body Shop shower gel (I think, have to recheck) and falsies. She is just the sweetest. :D
And before I end this post, I of course have to post up a pic of Gia and me outside The Block. I'm gonna steal it from Gia because my Canon camera ran out of battery as I was getting the picture onto my laptop. Wth. And I don't have a card reader.
Look at my giddy smile! Lol.
All in all I had a really good day today, even if I had a headache through half of it, and a cold that's on it's last leg. I really had fun! :)
How about you, how did you spend your day? ^_^
Quite a haul! Everything looks great, but I really like the looks of the blush. Your eyeshadow do stay in place very well and is very pretty. Crazy as it sounds, have you ever tried Milk of Magnesia on your face as a primer? I've done it when it's going to be really hot and it works! It's certainly not made for that, but it works well. Do a bit of google searching on it. There was also a thread on recently about it.
Chrissy, that's supposed to say 'your eyeshadow did' not 'your eyeshadow do' ~sorry!
ooo lala that lippie looks great ;) can't wait to see it on your lips!
what a fun meet up! you girls look so happy :)
nice haul!!
I love the haul! Awesome!
I like the green eye shadow too :)
You guys are so cute - looks like you had tons of fun shopping together!
As for the oilies... I think you just need a better primer. You can see the difference of a good primer in that your eyelids didn't fade at all (which is totally totally amazing and I really want to track down Artdeco now lol) and the rest of your face did. I actually use my sunscreen as a primer, since it has silicones in it... so I don't really know very much about that. (But you should be wearing sunscreen every day anyway!!)
Also, I remembered you commenting about picture size a little while ago and here too. You know, when you upload pictures to blogger using their picture icon, it uploads the full size picture and automatically links it to the thumbnail that shows up in the post. So... if you click on any of the pictures in your posts, or my posts, or any blogger post (unless the blogger removed the html link) it takes you to the full size picture. So, you can just leave the picture however big you want it to be, and your readers can click on the preview in the post to see the full detail. I hope that made sense.
That's such a pretty green eye shadow! That lipstick color is gorgeous as well :).
@Mary - I did try the blush and it is great! I used all three colors last night, just playing around. The lightest pink is perfect for contouring. So is a bit of the darkest pink. Hehe. Thanks for the advice about milk of magnesia, I will definitely check it out!!
@Izumi - you bet I'll be doing a look with that lippie soon. And yes it was totally fun. We were loud and crazy! Lol. People were like O.o at us.
@Lalaxloca - Yes and now I'm broke! Haha~
@Phyrra - For some reason I can't stand looking at those two e/s right now. Must be the uber shinyness XD For someone who would rather use matte stuff...this is new. XD But I love the green definitely. ^_^ Thanks for commenting!
@Catherine - yes we had loads of fun!! I think I figured out the problem--it was my sunscreen. I was using a sunblock gel that my dermatologist gave to me since my mom had taken her sunblock with her (yeah I can't afford sunblock :P) when she went out of town. The gel sunblock just melts like crazy. And as for the pictures--I do like to resize them even if blogger makes thumbnails for them..otherwise uploading them just takes too long for my stupid internet. Lol! And sometimes I'd rather not let people see my face in huge pictures, you know? ;P Thanks for the advice though.
@Tiff - I know, right? :)
you look cute and innocent!
regarding the oiliness, how bout trying a different primer or the sandwich method when applying your mmu? :)
and great haul, the lipstick looks so the nu-yu kabuki soft? also, where did gia get the pure glycerin? been looking for that :)
Ida, thanks! I will try your advice when I have money. And yes the lipstick is uuuuber creamy. The Nu-Yu kabuki brush is SO SO soft.
Gia got the glycerin at SM centerpoint I think, at a grocery store... At baking supplies. But it should be at Mercury Drugstore..ask around.
Ohhh what a fantastic haul!!! I love shopping with girlfriends, it's the best : ) oooh you look so gorgeous with natural makeup and a full face too : )
So do I, Sarah. It's just harder to control myself with them. XD You see something great and they're all "don't pass it up!"
Thank you babe. :)
You said you sweat all your makeup off, but in the pics you actually look beautifully glowy!:) It looks very natural.:)
Chriseeeeeeelle. hahaha I have G-lish eyes cream too! I think I have around 4. As well as their blush. Hahaha. Cheap makeup for the win.
Great haul!!!
Like all your new stuffies!
@Soapaholic - omg thank you. Hehe. :D
@Ces - They're good. Cheap makeup ftw!
@Anastacia - Thanks babe.
galing selle! ^^
hey sweetie thank you for the nice comment! i really appreciated it..
you're cutie!
@aliak - Bwahahah salamat!
@Chulalouise - No problem, sis. ;)
Nice post! Those Eyes cream from G-lish are cute! Where in Trinoma is G-lish? Landmark? Thanks! =)
Thank you for the comment, Catmare. I replied on your blog's c-box. :)
hey chrissy, you look great! i too love Art Deco e/s base! really helps the e/s to last :)
OMG! i was at SM last saturday! at around 4-5 pm. and i did pass by NU YU i wanted to try the kabuki brush but i have to pass as of
@Beautylilsecrets - Yeah, it sure does. :D Thanks for dropping by!
@DeBi- Aw, I'd already gone home by then. Would have been nice to see you. Too bad you passed! I love it, lol. Though it gives a lighter coverage.
Awww you look so cute! When I was home (in Jakarta), I saw some PAC Cosmetic too and always wondered abt them =) The lippy color is right up my alley hehehe
LOL on the PAC S.A. =))
their lipsticks look good to me.. YAY! not another soon-to-be purchase T_T i can't really go on a makeup diet haha :))
@Nanzy - Thanks! :D Give PAC a shot, they're pretty good quality. :)
@Noi - I know, right? She's pretty funny, every time I walk past her counter after a purchase she thanks me again! Lol. And I know what you mean about not being able to go on a mu diet, I TOTALLY just can't either. :/ Sadddd but true. It's so hard not to buy stuff right now, but I just tell myself I got stuff coming in the mail. Lol! I wish the local PO would speed up. I want my MakeupMasala haul dammit! XD
I agree. I think it's better to use your fingers when applying the gelato eyes cream. Sis, how much is the buffer brush at NuYu?
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